• 27 julio, 2024 1:13 pm

ECI Alumni Visits

PorEL Centro Inglés

Dic 9, 2022

Yesterday we had a visit from Juanma Salvador and Lorena Ruiz (p.2020-21). Lorena is studying journalism and audio visuals in Madrid and Juanma interior design. They had a chance to meet up with their teachers and to spend some time visiting the school and reliving lots of happy memories. Thanks for coming and we’ll see you soon!!!

It was great to have more visits from our ECI Alumni today and to find out how their studies are going and what they have been up to. We had Noelia, Marina, Andrea, Berta and Eva from (p.2020/21) and Paula and Lucia from (p. 2021/22). Everyone was happy to see their teachers and to spend some time back in their school.