• 21 enero, 2025 8:53 am

St. Valentine´s Day

PorEL Centro Inglés

Feb 14, 2024

Hoy es el día de St. Valentín y el amor está en el aire.

Celebrating Valentine's Day in the Early Years Department has been a wonderful way to help children understand concepts of friendship, care, kindness, and appreciation for others. Taking the time during our assembly today to sing and converse together has been very special. We have made cards and posters which we have shared with each other as a group. Things we love have included our family and friends, of course, our pets and even "me" (how important to love yourself!). During the day, we have celebrated moments where pupils have stopped to say something nice about another child, helped a friend with a task, or did something helpful for the class. These are some of the real ways we have tried to express our love for each other, and show that love is not just kindness in words but also in actions. 

Los Juniors y Seniors también han celebrado San Valentín entre claveles. Han sido los alumnos de Lower Sixth quienes han repartido claveles por todo el colegio para recaudar dinero para su viaje de fin de curso.