• 16 septiembre, 2024 12:29 am

Pancake Day

PorEL Centro Inglés

Mar 3, 2022

Our Stage 6 pupils enjoyed making pancakes in the Peter Pan Playground to celebrate Shrove Tuesday (although it was actually Wednesday). In the Christian religion, this is the day of feasting before Ash Wednesday. It is a day when people enjoy rich, fatty foods and sweet treats, such as Pancakes in preparation for Lent. Pancake Day is on a different day every year, always falling 47 days before Easter Sunday. Therefore, Shrove Tuesday is a day for preparation when people would indulge, commonly eating pancakes and other sweet treats before fasting. People would have to use up those richer foods such as eggs, sugar, and milk before Lent (combined to make Pancakes).

This is a really fun tradition that we celebrate at The English Centre. It also allows the pupils to….

  • Understand the importance of different values and beliefs such as Lent & Shrove Tuesday.
  • To be exposed to different ways in which one celebration, such as Shrove Tuesday, can be celebrated in different countries, due to contrasting cultural traditions.
  • Have a gradual grasp to embrace diversity and global topics
  • Recent Research-indicates that nutrition knowledge may be incomplete without the ‘experiential learning’ or hands on activities associated with food preparation that involves handling food and cooking equipment.
  • Learn lifetimes skills through practicing basic maths skills such as counting, weighing, measuring tracking time and in turn gain string social skills by working together and communicating. Children augment their vocabulary and increase their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and work on and with Mathematics too.

What a delicious activity!!!!