• 21 mayo, 2024 1:21 am

Open Doors for P.E. and Music, The Early Years Department

PorEL Centro Inglés

Abr 30, 2024

When preparing the PE & Music Open Doors for ECI families in the Early Years Department, we hope to strengthen the connection between home and school and make a positive impact on our students’ learning.

It has been a wonderful opportunity to showcase the work and progress of the students in the specialist areas of music and P.E. From simple hopping and jumping to clapping hands and recognising music, families have been able to see firsthand the skills their children have acquired, which we hope has been as rewarding for them as it has been for us.

We appreciate greatly all the efforts made by our ECI families to attend so many activities in the Early Years Department. When the smallest pupils see their families engaging with their school, it can positively influence their behavior and attitude towards learning.

It reinforces the idea that education is valued and important and we are very proud to show everyone their achievements.

Thank you to teachers and families for making this day so special!