• 27 julio, 2024 1:21 pm

Minecraft Adventure

PorEL Centro Inglés

May 29, 2023

Safeguarding Data Privacy: Unleashing the Minecraft Adventure!

In a world in Minecraft Education our Stage 7 students learnt about data privacy and protection. In this pixelated paradise, we roamed through a bustling metropolis, uncovering the lurking dangers of data exploitation.

Our students learned to recognize the different types of data we generate, and the risks associated with careless sharing. Through interactive activities and discussions, they understood that our personal information is as valuable as the treasures they  mine in the game. Just as we protect our prized possessions, we must safeguard our data with equal care.

Students had a great time learning  that data privacy is not only about protecting ourselves but also about respecting the privacy of others in an engaging and interactive way.

The quest for data privacy continues, but with the right tools and mindset, we can shape a safer and responsible digital future!

#Tomorrowspeopleproject #Adaproject