Ayer hicimos la entrega del Prize Giving a los alumnos de Sixth Form que han destacado ¡Enhorabuena a todos! y en especial a Coral Funes y Juan Miguel Margarito que han recibido matrícula de honor.
Yesterday we presented the Prize Giving awards to the outstanding pupils in Sixth Form. Congratulations to all of them and especially to Coral Funes and Juan Miguel Margarito who have received honours.
Un curso más nos despedimos de todos los alumnos con unas notas excepcionales y hasta el próximo curso. ¡Felicidades a todos los alumnos y sus familias!
Ahora toca disfrutar del verano.
Once again, we bid farewell to all the pupils with exceptional grades and we look forward to the next school year, congratulations to all the pupils and their families!
Now it is time to enjoy the summer.