• 5 mayo, 2024 2:38 am

Dewi Assembly

PorEL Centro Inglés

Oct 6, 2023

Our Dewi assembly is the very first assembly in the Early Years calendar, so as you can imagine, it is a very special one.

Dewi, our school mascot, is a powerful and magical character for our youngest pupils: he helps them to feel secure, important and special: he’s always there for a quick cuddle! He delivers important messages in a childlike, friendly way, such as following our school rules and treating others kindly.

Dewi connects the worlds of home and school when he goes to visit in his travelling book, making each child feel completely unique, helping generate conversations about our children’s lives and allowing families to share a little bit of school together.

During our Dewi assembly today, we have introduced Dewi to our pupils, talking about all these aspects, sharing songs and experiences, and enjoying the opportunity of feeling connected to each other again in our school community.

We hope that you enjoy the adventure of the Dewi Travelling Book together when it comes to your home!