• 17 mayo, 2024 10:36 am

CLA Visit – Ms Clifford

PorEL Centro Inglés

Abr 5, 2018

Estamos encantados de recibir la visita de Ms. Clifford hoy en Early years. Ms. Clifford fue Classroom Language Assistant con nosotros durante el curso 2016-17. Ahora está estudiando en la Universidad de Cardiff. Los alumnos estaban encantados de verle y ella no podía creer cuantísimo habían crecido. Es genial volver a verte Alice.

We were delighted to receive a visit from Ms Clifford in Early Years today. Ms Clifford was a Classroom Language Assistant with us in 2016-17 and is now studying at Cardiff University. The pupils were delighted to see her and she couldn´t believe how much they have grown. It was great to see you Alice.