• 7 febrero, 2025 9:30 am

Christmas Video Filming

It has been an intense and exciting week filming all of our Christmas Events. Our pupils safety was the most important factor in all of the recordings but it has also been fantastic to be able to maintain our traditions and see our pupils enjoying themselves, understanding the meaning of Christmas and overcoming the obstacles they have had. We begin our ECI 12 days of Christmas with the release of our making of videos, messages and performances next week.

It is not a normal Christmas at ECI but it is one we will never forget and we are very grateful for your support throughout the events with costumes and practising at home. We hope you enjoy watching the videos with your children and have a momento of this time in history. We live in hope that next year we will all be able to share the live performances of our pupils at Christmas.

A huge thank you to everyone who worked on the Christmas Events here at school. Their passion and enthusiasm has made it possible and it is a huge part of what makes this time of year so special here.

Have a wonderful Christmas season.